Professional Engineer
(802) 370-3006

Manufactured Home & Mobile Home Services

Mobile Home and Manufactured Home Services

Loan Compliance Services — Foundation Service & Home Additions

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This service is often referred to in the real estate industry as a foundation certificate or a tie down inspection. The service includes inspecting the property for compliance with the Permanent Foundation Guidelines for Manufactured Housing (PFGMH) included in the HUD Handbook 4930.

These guidelines were established to ensure the stability, safety, and longevity of these structures. The inspection consists of a visual inspection of the foundation, the connection to the foundation such as the tie downs, the skirting, and the site conditions around the perimeter of the home to issue an opinion on compliance with the guidelines.

Frequently lenders will also request that we look at additional structures attached to the manufactured home for compliance with the manufactured home construction and safety standards CFR 3280. These are typically decks, porches, car ports, garages, or other modifications.

CONTACT US to learn more about our foundation certificates/tie down inspections